This has a depiction of a road side scene of a young boy dressed in rural 19th century period clothing sitting on a kerbstone with an elbow leaning on a travel box. He looks deep in thought and slightly melancholy as if he has runaway. Seated next to him is a small monkey dressed in a striped jacket appearing to be patiently waiting for his owner’s next decision.
这幅画描绘了一个路边的场景,一个穿着 19 世纪乡村服装的小男孩坐在路边石上,手肘靠在旅行箱上。他看上去若有所思,略显忧郁,就像离家出走一样。坐在他旁边的是一只穿着条纹夹克的小猴子,似乎正在耐心地等待主人的下一步决定。