因为运气赚的钱,以为自己智商高人一等,最后被人看笑话 老老实实做点实事,那么难吗? 成帝的智商高达250,必定大成 :lol:lol:lol 智商150,非要做智商50的工作,结果可想而知 :lol 智商250,怎么样 二百五 150不够,必须250 250,能大成 You should learn to train your eye and not rely onothers to do it for you. After 40 years I learned the best learning is achieved by self insight then when you goof up you have learned a valuable lesson on your own.Also, 肥猴智商估计最多50(中考成绩差,中专被退校) 和三岁小孩差不多,买玩具的年龄 高智商选择爆点一击即中 低智商选择火坑跳进去